2D/3D GamesGamesWindows

Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance – Version 0.24d [Seventh Vixen]

Overview Info Changelog

You play the role of Sir Patrik of Akros, a charismatic, handsome and middle aged (for the times) Knight that set by bonds of loyalty and family to the new Countess of Kathia, is bound to gather the fealty of the vassals of his liege, cajole with the outer counts, and overthrow the Duke of Luvia. It will not be only a path of conflict, choices of whom to trust and whom to make a head short, but will let the player enjoy the power fantasy of the Middle Ages, using the lesser and being used by the higher, both for power and for pleasure. In your treacherous journey among medieval politics, nothing will stop you from romancing and lay with any woman that is put in your way, for lust, love or political interest. Not only nothing stops you: Is part of your mission.​
Developer Notes:
Small FAQ:
For those who want to know before hand , playtime (mainstory, side stories, and side minor romances) is from 3 to 4 hours for a single run. (It has multiple branching paths of higher or lesser consequences, also different options to take about the war management part of the game that doesn’t have still an impact until Chapter 3). The important choices present in Chapter One are not branching the end of the game, but the way you go to there)
About game engine:
1-The game includes two fast modes and a hands free mode, they are welcomed due replayability. (I’ll add a text speed control in the next update to fit the hands free mode to your needs).
2-You will have to forgive me for the unability to save the game during cutscenes, but that is mostly a problem just for the prologue, due to being linear and a bit lengthy. Game autosaves and let you manually in some points of it tho.. Beyond the Prologue, you are in “freeroam mode” and you will always have lots of chances to save, and non-important cutscenes are not are not long.

Date: 29.10.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.24d
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Instructions in a Readme inside.

-Fixed some visuals on Romance Trackers
-Fixed some bug when rewatching meanwhile scenes.
-Fixed some Hartlepool remembers.
-Now All meanwhiles and Alternate Scenes have unlocking requirements.
-All third party menu bugs should be gone now. (Finally)
-Added 2 new Romance Trackers: The Gypsies and Akros Maids
-Fixed some Tobias conversation and a wrong sprite on Chapter 1
-Fixed a conversation with the Port Chief
-Fixed Helen scenes not giving a Lust Path Choice
-Fixed some Menus visualizations
-More Travel Map Fixing.
-Fixed some 0.24.b sprites OnLoad
-Fixing the missing sprite on Gypsy Camp after second Lia scene.
-Now “Always Show Interactable Elements” will only work with menus closed as it should.
Fixed around 60 typos
+2 new scenes + 260 dialogue lines, (sitting now on 17.300)
-Fixed two minor movement bugs on Grassmere.
-Fixed a circunstantial bug on Minerva Day scenes.
-Fixed some minor menu visual bugs.
-Added the missing resource conversions.(Curing meat)
-Changed some code on Hartlepool so Belinda progress isn’t tied to other unrelated progress.
-Fixed some bushels bug on Hartlepool diplopath
-Added more Hartlepool scenes to VRAM saving.
-Recoded playing tips so they’re not tied to third party possible bugs.
-Recoded Map to avoid some bugs.
More than 120 typos corrected.
+1 Steam Achievement added

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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