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Martique’s Farm – Version 0.03 [SPodvohom Games]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: Martique’s farm is game where main character goes to work on a farm that extracts sperm by milking special creatures.
It has map, inventory, shop, and day night cycle.
Earn money by milking and buy more creatures to milk.
You can also talk with creatures to develop relationship with them, some flirt dialogue options available.​

Date: 24.01.2025
Language: English, Russian
Version: 0.03
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Version 0.03:
-Negative effects in conversations with creatures removed
-The price of selling sperm has been increased
-Enlarged some variables, especially Lisa’s.
-Added the ability to quickly move out of the MC’s house (not out of the room) – icon in the left passage
-Can move back from the corral to the house
-Added a dealer
-You can buy Hornithine from a dealer and give it to creatures (via the conversation menu) to maximize their arousal
-Added sperm types of different quality
-Tapping on the sperm count counter at the top of the screen toggles the display of different quality sperm.
-Added a barrel-shaped button that displays all types of semen
-Added A and D buttons to the treadmill controls
-Finally fixed a bug where, under certain circumstances, you couldn’t send creatures to the milking house even though it was empty
-Added a board (purchased at the furniture store) that displays the names of Patreon and Boosty subscribers. Using the board once a day restores energy and some health
-Added a quest with Nicole that allows you to unlock her as an employee
-Added a quest with the Architect. In the next update, completing the quest will unlock the ability to build new enclosures
-Other minor fixes
-Added a new creature – Kimiko
Sex Scenes:
-The architect’s sex scene with the aquarid
-A blowjob scene with Nicole (after completing the quest can activate when entering Nicole’s room with a 10% chance)
-3 scenes with Kimiko
-Some old animations (the blowjob in interrogation in the intro, and some animations with Lisa) have been redone and re-rendered. The actions in them remain the same, but now they have 10-15 frames instead of 5.

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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