2D/3D GamesGamesWindows

Unreal Lust Theory – Version 0.3.7 [Inceton Games]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: It’s our first game made with Unreal Engine 5!
For the past year, we were hard at work to remake “Lust Theory” in Unreal and now we
think it’s a great time to show everyone what we’ve have created.
we remade everything from scratch.

Date: 18.12.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.3.7
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Build of the game in the newest version of Unreal (5.5.0) + bug fixes + plugins update
New character Sophie – 3 main + 12 finish animations with Sophie (tell us what you think—be honest—our new animator worked hard to prepare her for these animations)
Christmas decorations and holiday spirit – 2 Christmas quests – 1 seasonal achievement
3 explicit kissing animations under the Mistletoe
1 main + 4 finish Jessica cuddle animations on Jessica’s bed – New clothes (available only for the 3 main girls)
New narrative design and buttons (note: holding CTRL to skip every dialogue was a bug, and it’s now fixed in UE 5.5. You can still skip dialogues by pressing, not holding)
1 main + 4 finish animations with Ellie (part of the quest)
7 main animations with Megan (part of the quest)
7 main animations with Jessica (part of the quest)
30 unique wallpapers you can get only inside the ULT. 15 full HD wallpapers from last year and 15 new ones in 4K (we should’ve done 4K earlier, so that’s the standard from now on)
Last but not least:
A lot of you said the character speed is too slow, and now you can change it in the Commands menu!
Also, we’re working on a phone system that will look similar to what we have in the Commands menu. We need your help—what do you think would be the best use for a phone in ULT? Let us know what features you’d like to see!
Lastly, some of you mentioned needing an option to choose between pressing and holding SHIFT to sprint. We heard you, and now that option is available in the Settings menu.

NOTE: We recommend deleting this file before playing:

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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One Comment

  1. So you made your first game for a small group of gamers with Unreal 5. I have like the most a mid range game pc, and Unreal Engine is unplayable on it. I’m not even going to stress my cpu/gpu because of it.

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