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Date Ariane Remastered – Final Version 1.5 (Full Game) [ArianeB]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: Date Ariane Remastered is a complete remake of the popular Date Ariane with all new wide screen HD graphics, and for the first time ever to play as a male or a female!​

Date: 24.12.2023
Language: English
Version: 1.5
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Date Ariane Remastered is now voiced!
I used AI voice via Eleven Labs, the same I used for Something’s In the Air Redux, to voice Date Ariane Remastered. All versions except the Low Res Android version have been updated.
Because DAR has half the lines that SITAR does, every line has been voiced. Lines that contain a variable are delivered generically. The very first voiced line will show Ariane say your name, but the voice will call you “my date”. Text is more important than voice and voice can be turned off by turning the voice volume to zero in Preferences.
AI voices are good enough, but not as good as human voice actors, and I recognize that. But I can’t afford to hire voice actors, so AI is the way I am going. It adds a new dimension to the game I hope you appreciate.
Other Changes
Besides voice, many lines of dialog have been changed or improved in part to improve the voice lines, but also improves the readability. A greater use of contractions (“I’m” instead of “I am”) will be noticeable.
Bonus is easier to reach! The rule to wait until you get 60 achievements to unlock the bonus. Now you only need two: “All five dinners” (yes I know that requires five dates to achieve) and “Sex Endurance” which proves you went all the way on a date. Once you get both, prove it by running the achievements check, and it will invite you to the bonus. You then need to go to “Character” and create a bonus character. You can switch back in Preferences.
The bonus has been expanded in places with about a dozen new pictures and expanded scenes.
Several bugs have been fixed as well.

Creator of this game: Itch.io

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