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2D/3D GamesGamesWindows

Lashes Of The Sea – Version 0.1 Prototype (Video Preview – Short) [Lashes Of The Sea]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: Ohh.. you want to join our crew.. do ya? What’s that? You are saying you were a famous captain of a slave trading ship? Had a huge crew and were surrounded by women were you? UUUHHHH… Black-Beard himself would probably tremble just hearing your name, won’t he?
Any ID? No? You lost it when your ship got blown up?
Yes.. very sad…
No one here cares what you were, maggot. You are what you have and… you seem to have only the magical power of… nothing!
Lucky for you though, we just lost a mate. And you seem to have all your limbs so… I will give you a CHANCE to prove youself as not-completely-useless. And who knows.. maybe one day… you will even have someone under your athoraty… maybe… but for now…

Date: 02.04.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.1 Prototype
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Note: This is video preview with very little gameplay for now.

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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