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Radiant – Version 0.6.1 [RK Studios]

Overview Info Changelog

You’re a normal guy who shares an amazing night with the girl of his dreams: arguably the most attractive girl in town. But after being chased out by her unhinged father things take a tragic turn… leaving you in a coma for close to a decade and wiping much of your memory – including your memory of that fateful night. After several years of rehabilitation life eventually returns to normal… but lewd dreams of a girl you have no memory of haunt you… that is until one day when three spitting images of this “dream girl” show up at your doorstep… and they’re your… your daugh-
Radiant is an n’cest harem game in the genre of romance, slice-of-life, comedy, & good old family drama. Gameplay designed by Sir Dammed, who makes choice-driven, story focused visual novels with multiple paths, relationships, consequences, and future endings. Every decision you make in this game carries weight and changes your experience throughout your play-through… giving you a ton of control over what happens & lots of replayability.

Date: 26.03.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.6.1
Censored: No

Extract and run.

INC Patch:
“Incest Patch” Installation:
Step 1. Extract files
Step 2. Copy “patch.rpy”
Step 3. Navigate to the “Radiant/game” folder
Step 4. Paste “patch.rpy” into the “game” folder

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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