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2D/3D GamesAndroidGamesWindows

The Last Challenge – Version 0.1.3 Demo [LustyDonkey]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: In 2013 the MC (Marcus Crowley or whatever you decide to name him), his best friend Donnie, and 499.998 other teenagers from around the country left for a college town called Meteor Valley. One week after their departure a global pandemic breaks out named the Crown virus, and it infects the whole world. Except Meteor Valley. For some reason the virus never spread to Meteor Valley and for this reason the government decides to quarantine Meteor Valley off from the rest of the country until a vaccine is developed.

Date: 06.10.2023
Language: English
Version: 0.1.3 Demo
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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