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The taming of the brat – Version 1.0 (Full Game) [Viitgames]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: You take on the role of a troubled but successful painter. At least you were one.
While your early struggles with alcohol made you squander your early success, it also seemed to fuel your creativity.
Because since you got sober, all your work, if you can even call it that, is at best derivative.
With your funds drying up, you turn for help to Elena.
The owner of a successful local art gallery, and one of your early supporters.
But she has problems of her own on the horizon, as her niece Belle moves to the city for college.
Will she be able to help you? Will anything?
You certainly hope so as another blank canvas stares accusingly at you.​

Date: 30.04.2024
Language: English
Version: 1.0
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.


Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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